Why can't people just stop fighting?? Why can't I have one thing to do or one place to be where I can feel happy and safe?? I'm not happy right now with the way things are going. I don't understand this life at home. I like going to youth group b/c my friends go there and I'm able to be with my friends and I get to see some (2) guys. I met a guy this one guy the first time I went to youth group with my friend Nicole. Then the second guy I met at Nicole's 15th b-day party. They are both totally cute. My friends mean a lot to me b/c this is like the only year at school where I really have found myself and my friends. My friends are a really big part of me now. Tegan, China, Nadia, Amy, Beckie, Bill, Sally, Joey, Nicole Steven, Jeebus, Edger, Ferdell (sorry if I spelled your name wrong), Mary, Gary, Abby, Matt, Coury, Shannon, Russal, Sarah B., Sarah M., Pete, Debby, Ron and so on. They are a real big part of my life now. Friends are my way of getting out and hanging with people outside of the house. This house is a place I always wanna get out of. This is a place where I don't want to be in. My life isn't the way it should be. AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
I need to get AWAY!!!!!! Well I have to go now and SHOWER I'm "smelly"
Pinkie says l8ter