Monday, January 07, 2008

DaRk LaUgHtEr

My story starts off with me hanging out with my closest friends. I find myself wanting more. Like to do something more. Thoughts race thought my head. I want something much more. I waned a way out of my own life. A way into my thoughts, dreams, and memories. Mow more and more thoughts race though my head. I see my friends start to look at me weirdly but I couldn’t help the way I felt. Things were happening too fast for me to truly understand them. Randomly I got up and ran away. I kept on running for about 5 minutes until I came upon a door. The door to my thoughts, my dreams, and my memories. I never realized how much one’s thoughts could turn out to be fighting. As my ideas get bigger more and more things came around. Darkness comes. Not in the sense of color or light but in an evil feel to the world. People come. A girl with a gas mask comes up to me. Around and around they run scaring themselves, people, everything. Time never truly passes in this place. As I walk around things seem to slow down. It was almost like I could stop time. Then a guy pops out of no where. I couldn’t make out his face. He stood there staring and pounding at me for about a minute until he ran away screaming. My mind turned out to not be a truly unhappy place. I scared the life within me. Deep, deep with in my soul. I wanted to run after him but some how couldn’t. It was as if my legs have stopped working. Time stands still. My thoughts, dreams, and memorys were like I was in the underworld. A world of dark laughter. A place that didn’t truly seem happy to the human but was.
I wonder if any of my friends missed me or not….maybe they did…maybe…wait what if they forgot about me. My head sags downwards towards the ground. When I look up again I find out that, that guy is standing less than three feet away from me. Now I had a better look of the guy. That guy came to be my friend. One of my close friends that I thought left me behind. Did he fallow me in here? Did he find out my secrets? Even though he was in here I was glad he wasn’t along and I wasn’t alone. This place scared me a little. I wondered if any of my other friends have gotten into my world… are they ok… are they hurt? Only time can tell. He waves the wave of a million waves. Then starts to walk slowly towards me to find himself confused. I take a couple steps closer until we met eye to eye. He turned his head and asked me where he was. I began to explain that we were in a world that I have created with my thoughts, dreams, and memories. I don’t know if he truly understood what I meant. This was just something I needed to do. As I was explaining this to him I could see out of the corner of my eye some one standing by a tree. This person had a bear life face he started to walk towards us. Step by step his bearish face stared to disappear. It started to disappear into the darkness this person was normal…wait he was my friend. Why are my friends following me in here? I’m glad that they’re in here. I like this place more and more. This place of dark lonely happiness. A world that makes no sense and a then all the sense in the world.
This is a world of weirdness. My two friends and I stared walking. We walked until we came upon a hole. A hole to a bed room. This room was filled with wonder, grace, and music. A girl with grace, beauty, and love for music was found. I guess we ended up at a peaceful side of my mind. The gas masked girl had to end up bringing darkness, evil, and death like though to the world. The girl of peace sat there on the bed strumming and singing her peaceful song. Te song of love and happiness. As she sang the gas mask girl started screaming on the top of her lungs. I just watched and wondered why this hole brought us to this bed room. All five of us in this room had made my one friend freak out. The box face came back on him. I’ve figured that every time he got freaked out or scared his face turned into a box like shape/ freaking out he got on to found into a ball, rocking back and forth his kept yelling/saying he’s not crazy.
I couldn’t believe the madness. Bear face and I couldn’t take our eyes off them. Wanting to shut them up we just shined a bright light at them. Suddenly after it was silent we all heard a scream. The scream of a guy in need of help. One by one we ran out of the room. I stopped running when I found the guy screaming. He stood there smiling and screaming a happy scream of joy. Once the hippy girl saw him she started to sing again. The happy screaming guy couldn’t take it any more so he did the only thing he could think of. He pulled out his guy and killed her.

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