Thursday, May 13, 2010

Within this year I think I’ve found myself. I’ve made a name for myself… I got into the school newspaper and I’ve made my web show more epic… oh and you can’t forget I’ve made it to Acen. Ok fine not yet but it’s going to happen this weekend. BOO!!!!! I’m going later but hey it’s for morerunes (Aaron). I’m only going later is because my bf morerunes (Aaron) has his mini grad thing at the Chem. Lab. He gets a physics book and a little diploma too. It’s totally kool that he’s made it this far. Well this weekend is ACEN!!!!!!! I so can’t wait… in a way this is a good thing that we aren’t leaving until later because I’d have to get ready and it will take me a lot longer to figure out some awesome new way to do my makeup just for my Alice spoof… ok truth it looks more like a gothic Lolita but oh well. Once I have everything done I’ll take non-stop pics at Acen and it will be then made into a slide show video. I hope to see you all there at the convention. OMFG IT’S GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok as you can probably tell I’m super excited for this weekend because it will be my first ever real convention that I had paid for and have been totally into. ANIME RULES!!!!! I’m super big into anime and I’m super super super happy that my boyfriend has decided to come with me on my epic adventure into the unknown world of Pinkie’s World… Truth I don’t even know what my world is all about. At least not to the fullest existent yet. Once I learn everything there is to know about Pinkie’s World I’ll be sure to clue you people in. for now it’s just me here looking up crazy pictures to post up here soon just for random fun. Hope you enjoy them.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Cat Riddles

Why is an island like the letter T?

Answer: It is in the middle of "waTer".

My life can be measured in hours,
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick
Fat, I am slow
Wind is my foe.

Answer: A candle

What turns everything around, but does not move?

Answer: a mirror

What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands?

Answer: your breath

You can see nothing else
When you look in my face,
I will look you in the eye
And I will never lie.

Answer: your reflection

Here on earth it is true, yesterday is always before today; but there is a place where yesterday always follows today. Where?

Answer: In a dictionary

You can keep it only after giving it away to someone else. What is it?

Answer: Your word

What is so fragile even saying its name can break it?

Answer: Silence

The more you take the more you leave behind.

Answer: footsteps

I know a word of letters three. Add two, and fewer there will be.

Answer: few

What goes round and round the wood but never goes into the wood?

The bark of a tree

It's been around for millions of years, but it's no more than a month old. What is it?

The moon

What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten?

A pack of cards

When one does not know what it is, then it is something; but when one knows what it is, then it is nothing.

A riddle

What goes round the house and in the house but never touches the house?

The sun

What is the difference between me and you?

I am asking silly questions, you are trying to come up with sillier answers.

A black dog stands in the middle of an intersecton in a town painted black. None of the street lights are working due to a power failure caused by a storm. A car with two broken headlights drives towards the dog but turns in time to avoid hitting him. How could the driver have seen the dog in time?

Who said this happened during the night?

A man and a woman were driving in their car when it broke down. The man decided to go for help at a gas station a few miles back. He made sure nobody was in the car rolled all the windows up and locked all of the sedan's doors. He went off but when he came back his wife was dead and there was a stranger in the car. No physical damage was done to the car so how did the stranger get in?

The stranger was a baby and the woman died in childbirth.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Pinkie's Phone Blog5

I like how when I wake up my dad decides yo bitch at me for stupid stuff. Blah blah blah blah BLAH!!!!! When will he leave me alone?!?! Like he wants me yo learn how to clean and wash my own cloths but my 20 year old brother almost21 dosent have to know. Stupid right... Ok I know I should already know how to wash my own cloths but still ever the less he should do his own too. I can't wait I'm getting my cera back today... I'm going to film a video about my life... I'm going to film everything I do even if it's boring because it'd my life and I think people should see my life as it really happens. Yea that's what's going to happen.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Pinkie's Phone Blog4

Note to sel. I'm still hungry and I don't want to leave my room. I'm not tired, I'm not anything but hungry. FYI Lucy duaghter of the devil will be on @ 11:25. I'm out of it... I'm going out of my mind lol. Sleep no want... Food is only what I want and yea. Sorry if this makes no since at all Sorry!!! Pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink.... Yup I've gone crazy... Maybe I need sleep now because idk what I'm talking about. SLEEP that's so what I need just that. Well that's prob what I'll do. I'll just sleep on this night lol and maybe I'll eat right before I pass out again.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Pinkie's Phone Blog3

When you're dating someone why do you wish to take all their pain away from them??? When you try that brings you more pain. When you ask someone if they are ok and they respond with a "yea I'm all right" why do you know they are not automaticly??? I'm sorry to say that life isn't always happy like a fairy tail life. People are more than half the time sad or deeply depressed. As much as I would like to say life us so peachy clean it's not. Aaron I worry about you 24seven and it scares me to death what you could do to yourself if you tried. I love you with all my heart and soul. Oh and mark my words that's never ever going to change <3. life is 10000 times better when you around to fill the holes in my lonely heart. OMG now I just wanna cry because I know you're not ok and there is nothing I could do over the phone baby!!! "Cry cry go away don't come back another day." Love....doesn't that song say that "all you need is love. All you need is love love. Love is all you need"? Then why doesn't more people have love in their lives. I think I'm the lucky one to have found someone as awesome as Aaron G. Echols II. Yes, I think he might be the one I'll someday soon I hope (3-4 maybe 5 years) marry. I've thought before in the past that I've found "Mr. Right" but it was just some lie my brain tried to have me believe until I found Aaron. He means more to me than the color PINK and that's saying a whole lot. He's everything toe and more.... Only god really knows how much I care and worry and love this boy. I hope to never loose him ever!!!! I LOVE YOU AARON G. ECHOLS II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XOXO Pinkie

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Pinkie's Phone Blog2

I find it funny that my dad thinks anime is for little kids....he thinks I'm notnormal because I dye my hair pink and like hottopic clothing and I like to stay up late. Really???? Lol you gotta be kidding me. He wants to take me to the Dr. because I like staying up late and because I'm lazy. Wow maybe he is the crazy one. Lol ^___^ this is so uber funny I can't contane myself. He thinks I have problems because I like anime and japanese life style and clothing. He has gone crazy because me of all people think I'm medically crazy or "not" "right". OMG he has a loose screw in his head... All that's wrong with me is I have a learning disability that's all. I don't want to know what goes through his head everyday..... Just the though of that scares me a little. Just a little @>+<@ (lol sour candy face) ok fine I'm a dork too but I like who I am... I'm NORMAL!!!!!! Well as normal as I'll ever be...sadly T.T my dad just needs to learn to accept me for me. Right now I think it will take way too long so if a Dr. can help then maybe why not try. I don't know it might be worth it,don't you think???

Pinkie's Phone Blog1

I should be bored but I'm not... It's weird because Aaron couldn't come over. :( yea if you haven't you sould see the movie's a book first. I should draw and color my stuff in thesketch book of mine. I wanna go to an art class asap!!!! I'm dieing @ home doing nothing. Blah blah blah!!!!!!!!!!!!! When dose one know If they are turlly ok??? How do u know if you're really ok??? I don't think one will ever know for real ever. They might like to think they ate but they might not be. Do the pink hair make me more normal or dose it make me more abnormal??? Time could only tell. Ok I'm going insain at home. I wanna be able to get out and see someting other than the walls in my house. Like I wanna be able to go out sit on the floor and film my friends dancing, laughing, running, jumping, or just goofing off. I should get some friends to just go to the mall to sit around and film some crazy fun real life video on Pinkie's friends including herself. I want to be able to show people what I see through my eyes that's my I want to be a film maker. I want to film movies with a real meaning. Something that touches hearts of people. This won't happen any time soon. My so called step mom seems to be freezing me out of her life... Yeathat also not going to happen anytime soon. She is pissed at me and idk y. She is as she thinks dating a man with a family and she thinks she can tell me what to do and bitch about it later bc things aren't going her way. Ok yes you have to see Speak the movie asap!!!!!!!! Yea Michele has been ignoring me for two days..... All I said was " when you're "dating" someone with a family...sometimes you have to spend time with their family too". She just wants to do what she wants to do...she want him to only spend time with her and buy her things no on else. I need a weekend too myself!!!! A weekend to do anything and everything I want to do with my friends. AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to get out and have pure Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!