Monday, August 24, 2009

College Day 1 8-24-09

Big day for me… I started my first day of college. I have one class… English (the teacher is Asian) I know that’s a shock even for me. I met up with Tim awesome dude. We went to explore the school and see all that we could see there. It was kool. I found the library to be huge as huge could get. All and all things went well…. I found the lunch cafeteria area. That looked awesome. Everything looked awesome…. I’m going to try to find out where I could get an art class. Something small and not at noon until two-ish because I have my English then. But maybe for Tuesday or Thursday I have nothing going on then. Yea I know everyone wants me to get a job but I could get a weekend job or something that would be around those times. Like I could start a job at 4:00 until about 9:00 every other day. That would be awesome. As of how today went I’d have to say it went very well so far. Tim is same old same old with appearance but I think this summer has made him get much more crazy than he use to be… oh well I think that’s what summer does to people… it makes them go CRAZY!!!!!

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